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Good Shepherd

"We give our children two things; One is roots, the other is wings"

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Rejoice in the Lord (pdf)
By Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R

GSA Tuition Relief Fund

Many of the hard-working families we serve at Good Shepherd Academy have experienced job loss with layoffs and loss of income because of COVID-19. At this time, we are turning to the GSA Community for your immediate support. Given that some of our annual fundraising events are having to be postponed, it’s even more vital that we raise the monies needed to meet our immediate needs in the current academic year. We ask that you help us carry out our mission during this critical time by making a donation to the GSA Tuition Relief Fund. Your completely tax-deductible gift will directly impact the families that were affected by the virus. Our families that are in need of assistance will apply through the process set up by the Archdiocesan COVID-19 Task Force, but it will only be awarded to our school families. Any amount helps! If you are able to give, please know what a relief this can provide to your neighbor in need. Click here to donate now. Please share this link with anyone that can also help our community.





News and Updates

Check here and see if you have won!
Join us for our Open House Sunday, January 28, 2024 11:00am to 1:00pm.
The week of February 13, 2023 is Kindness Week at GSA! Check out our themes and join us being kind!

Mission Statement

The mission of Good Shepherd Academy, in keeping with the spirit of St. Lucy Filippini, is to support, inspire, and empower our students through strong academics and social/emotional guidance to be lifelong learners who exemplify the moral and social values of our Catholic community.

Good Shepherd At A Glance 

Sports Teams & Extra-Curricular Activities offered

Average Years Teaching Experience

Average Student to Teacher Ratio